Sept. 04, 2016: The members of St Mother Theresa Ward celebrated their ward day on 4th September, the day on which their patron was raised to the honour of sainthood. The members took active role in the Sunday Liturgy during which all thanked the Lord for the blessing through the intercession of Mother Theresa.

A formal function followed the Eucharistic Celebration in the Basement Hall. Parish Clergy along with Vice President and other ward leaders were present for the celebration. Ward leader Grace Miranda extended cordial welcome to all invitees. Riya Monteiro graced the occasion through a hymn. Secretary Mrs. Flossy Lasrado shed light on the life of Mother Theresa through a power point presentation. The various members of the ward who showed  excellence in various academic fields were honoured by Parish Priest. Children and youth entertained all through their mind-blowing dances. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various lucky games. Mr Richard Monteiro Proposed vote of thanks while Mrs Preethi Sequeira compeered the programme. The get together concluded with the breakfast.


















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