Feb 25, 2020: The Annual Catechism Day was celebrated on Sunday, 23rd February with the Eucharistic Celebration at 9:30a.m. Rev Fr Stany Pereira celebrated the Mass. The Liturgy was led by the children and all took active participation in the Eucharist.

After the Mass all gathered in main hall for the cultural program. Children from different classes performed various value based cultural items. Elma DSouza and Vinisha Pinto compeered the program. Ms. Pramila Tauro welcomed the dignitaries. The prizes were given to the students who secured first, second, third and 90% above in the catechism exam. Also the students who attended catechism classes daily were honored with prizes. A special prizes were given to Chaitra DSouza of 10th and Edna DSouza of 7th for securing high marks in the diocesan catechism exam. All the catechism teachers were honored with the gifts for their selfless service. Later Rev Fr Stany Pereira congratulated all the children for their actie participation in Sunday catechism classes and thanked the teachers for their selfless service to the Church. The programme came to an end at with the Vote of thanks by Mrs Jeniffer Baptist. The whole program was meticulously organized by Ms. Pramila Tauro the coordinator of catechism classes with the support of all the teachers.

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