The members of Carmel ward celebrated their ward feast on a 21st July by offering Thanksgiving mass at 7:00 a.m. by the Parish priest Rev. Fr Stany Pereira. The liturgy was conducted by the ward members.
After the Mass the ward members and invited guest gathered in the basement hall for the get together. Parish priest Rev. Fr Stany Pereira, Asst Parish Priest Fr. Jason Lobo, Vice president and Secretary of the Parish Council Mr. Francis Saldanha and Mrs. Lucy Dsouza, Superior of Lady Hill Convent Sr Rosilde and the gurkars of all the wards were present.
The program commenced with prayer songs in honour of Mother Carmel by the ward members. Mr Nelson Noronha welcome to all the invited guests and presented flower bouquet by the ward members. Ward representative Mrs. Mercine Saldanha read the annual report of all the activities of the ward.
Felicitation of merit students in all the field was conducted by Mrs. Jenny Mathias Rev. Fr Stany Pereira gave the flowers and memento to the achievers. Prizes were given to the members who attended all the ward meetings. Mr. Arun Rodrigues conducted the spot games and gave the prizes to the winners. In his address to the gathering Rev Fr Stany Pereira appreciated the ward members for their contribution towards the parish in all the areas.
The program was conducted by ward Gurkar Mrs.Sunita D'Souza in a very impressive way. Mrs. Wilma DSouza ward representative thanked all the guest for their presence. At the end the program was concluded with the breakfast.