The Evaluation Meeting of Pompei Feast was conducted on 17th December in the Basement Hall. Parish Priest Rev.Fr. Benjamin Pinto presided over the meeting, Asst.Priest Rev.Fr. Johnson Pereira, PPC Vice- President Mr. Lloyd Lobo, General Secretary Mrs. Sylvia Mascarehnas, Convenor of 21 Commissions Mr. Kevin Martis were present on the dais.

The Evaluation of the entire preparations, all days of Novena, arrangements, Choir, Liturgical services was done amongst the Volunteers who have served on these days.

Mr.Ganesh Kulal, the local corporator was felicitated during this meeting for his dedicated selfless services to the society and always lending a helping hand whenever required for those in need. The meeting continued with a housie game for all and concluded with prayers and dinner was served to all present.





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