The Holy Tridduum ceremonies of the Holy weekwere intensely reverent which started with Maundy Thursday celebrations. The ceremonies were held ‘open air’ in the church grounds. In commemoration of Lords Last supper, the institution of holy Eucharist and institution of holy Priesthood, A holy Eucharistic celebration was began at  7p.m. with Fr Stany Pereira, Parish Priest being the main celebrant, Fr Amith Rodrigues and Fr Valerian Rodrigues were the concelebrants.









The main celebrant preached the homily and thereafter washed the feet of 12, of whom 5 were men, 5 women and 2 religious as per the new norm in the liturgy of washing of the feet decreed by Pope Francis. After the Holy Communion there was adoration and a procession to the Altar of repose where the consecrated host was placed for worship. Fr Amith Rodrigues conducted the Adoration.
The congregation spent time in for prayer and worship upto 10 p.m.
























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